Up 1 whole pound!!!
And I know exactly why muahahahaha.
I ate two bowls of ice cream, with peanuts, a pack of ramen noodles, the rest of my tub of Fage w/banana, a piece of bacon, cantaloupe [late at night], alot of juice....
So stuff with alot of carbs. (the sugar and noodles).
Maybe tomorrow I'll be down. Who knows. It depends on what I find to eat. We don't really have anything. AT ALL....Except eggs....Maybe I'll figure out something to make with eggs. I REALLY REALLY HATE HATE HATE EGGS.
Nothing else to talk about today. I think I'm only going to take 1 Apidexin today, see if it has anything to do with my not going to bed on time. Honestly, I think it's just me sitting on the computer too much and too late.
Anyways....I can't think of anything else to write.
4 Days Left Before Challenge!
Down .5 of that pound I gained yesterday.
Took 2 Apidexin yesterday morning (ok, around 11a-12p), and this morning (same time).
Ate basically ice cream, peanuts, a nectarine, possibly some Fage yogurt, and two slices of salsberry (sp?) steak.
Great nutrition right?
Anyways, I'm hoping to lose the other half in the morning. And with any luck, I'll be back to 243 before starting the challenge/loading on Sunday-Monday.
Hubby's doing the challenge with me!!!!
He only has like 10lbs to lose. So I guess for him we'll just hope he gains 10lbs loading! Lol. Or just go until his belly gut is gone and you can see his abs. Or until his abnormal fat is gone?
But at least he'll be supporting me and I definitely won't cheat.
I am NOT going to cheat!!! I want to win, not be disqualified!!!

Took 2 Apidexin yesterday morning (ok, around 11a-12p), and this morning (same time).
Ate basically ice cream, peanuts, a nectarine, possibly some Fage yogurt, and two slices of salsberry (sp?) steak.
Great nutrition right?
Anyways, I'm hoping to lose the other half in the morning. And with any luck, I'll be back to 243 before starting the challenge/loading on Sunday-Monday.
Hubby's doing the challenge with me!!!!
He only has like 10lbs to lose. So I guess for him we'll just hope he gains 10lbs loading! Lol. Or just go until his belly gut is gone and you can see his abs. Or until his abnormal fat is gone?
But at least he'll be supporting me and I definitely won't cheat.
I am NOT going to cheat!!! I want to win, not be disqualified!!!
P3 and BORED - Waiting for the Contest to START!
I've been on "P3" for about a week, and I'm just to 3lbs over LDW (actually I've lost from the technical "LDW" of 247 - I think it was, but I'm going by the lowest weight I got during that week - 243lbs) today. Tomorrow I'm sure that will be back down so I'm not going to freak out and force myself to do a steak day.
PLUS, I have no steak!.... I guess I could do a Fage day, but honestly that stuff makes me sick, it's so thick and tastes like cream cheese.
I only like cream cheese on bagels tyvm, lol..
4th July HCG 21 Day Round Challege
You must have your supplies by this weekend! Loading is July 2-4 with VLCD1 on July 5th.
You will be required to post a picture of your scale/losses every morning.
Cheating is completely NOT ALLOWED.
We will be following Dr. ATW Simeons' Original Protocol.
So join the group if youre interested!!!
Moving on, I need to remember to take my Apidexin when I'm not doing the HCG, because I don't want to just stabilize right now, I want to keep losing. Apparently (according to Dr. Al Sears and some other Drs) the chromium in my Apidexin helps you lose weight and build muscle! I never bothered reading up on the actual history of the ingredients, but I was looking up more info about how eating more fat is better for you, and I passed over Dr. Sears' blog on how when chromium is given to pigs they lose fat mass and gain muscle.
Now I'm watching the Drs and they're talking about people being fat an thinking that they're NOT fat.
And skinny people thinking that they ARE fat. LMAO.
The current "overweight" meter was reduced though, making previously "overweight" people "obsese".
I'm currently a "Class 2 Obese" person. My waist is 40". That's only 10" over what "Dr. Oz" says is good.
Everyone has their own fucking idea of what's right.
I think just to prove the bullshit, I'm going to get down to the lowest "healthy weight" for my BMI, i.e.: 115lbs where I will probably look like a walking skeleton. Just to prove the fucking Drs Association or whomever wrong!
Back to the Apidexin topic....
I completely LOVE this stuff. It works. And if it ends up not working someday, it still gives me great energy for random stuff, like exercise, or just cleaning the house. Stuff I normally procrastinate on.
I take 1-2 capsules in the morning usually, sometimes 3, I never get any side effects (like jittery or sick), just the great side effect of FORGETTING TO EAT, lol. And I tend to eat really well, so what I do force myself to eat, probably helps out (right now, stuff like Fage, eggs, yogurt, fruit, and tomatoes and bell peppers, chili peppers, etc.) Lots of protein, fat, and fruits and veggies. I might have a couple of tortillas or something, basically I try to stay away from grains and sugars. Which is getting hard because I REALLLY want a bowl of cereal sometimes lol. Luckily right now we're out of milk lol.
My new favorite lotion right now is The Anti-Aging w/ pro-retinol and collegen by Vaseline (big purple bottle), it has the normal collegen lotion smell (pretty nice), leaves you smooth-feeling and not greasy. LOVE IT. I like using collegen lotion (when I can't find or don't bother looking for my Dead Sea lotion) for my stretch marks, and to prevent getting wrinkles.
Te only downside is that the Retinol makes you more susceptible to the sun and sunburns, so you HAVE to make sure you use a sunscreen or clothes that cover your body well, or you WILL burn.
(But if you don't stay out forever, it does help for tanning lol. I'm a great caramel color right now and this time last week I was a ghost.) =]
I've been on "P3" for about a week, and I'm just to 3lbs over LDW (actually I've lost from the technical "LDW" of 247 - I think it was, but I'm going by the lowest weight I got during that week - 243lbs) today. Tomorrow I'm sure that will be back down so I'm not going to freak out and force myself to do a steak day.
PLUS, I have no steak!.... I guess I could do a Fage day, but honestly that stuff makes me sick, it's so thick and tastes like cream cheese.
I only like cream cheese on bagels tyvm, lol..
4th July HCG 21 Day Round Challege
You must have your supplies by this weekend! Loading is July 2-4 with VLCD1 on July 5th.
You will be required to post a picture of your scale/losses every morning.
Cheating is completely NOT ALLOWED.
We will be following Dr. ATW Simeons' Original Protocol.
So join the group if youre interested!!!
Moving on, I need to remember to take my Apidexin when I'm not doing the HCG, because I don't want to just stabilize right now, I want to keep losing. Apparently (according to Dr. Al Sears and some other Drs) the chromium in my Apidexin helps you lose weight and build muscle! I never bothered reading up on the actual history of the ingredients, but I was looking up more info about how eating more fat is better for you, and I passed over Dr. Sears' blog on how when chromium is given to pigs they lose fat mass and gain muscle.
Now I'm watching the Drs and they're talking about people being fat an thinking that they're NOT fat.
And skinny people thinking that they ARE fat. LMAO.
The current "overweight" meter was reduced though, making previously "overweight" people "obsese".
I'm currently a "Class 2 Obese" person. My waist is 40". That's only 10" over what "Dr. Oz" says is good.
Everyone has their own fucking idea of what's right.
I think just to prove the bullshit, I'm going to get down to the lowest "healthy weight" for my BMI, i.e.: 115lbs where I will probably look like a walking skeleton. Just to prove the fucking Drs Association or whomever wrong!
Back to the Apidexin topic....
I completely LOVE this stuff. It works. And if it ends up not working someday, it still gives me great energy for random stuff, like exercise, or just cleaning the house. Stuff I normally procrastinate on.
I take 1-2 capsules in the morning usually, sometimes 3, I never get any side effects (like jittery or sick), just the great side effect of FORGETTING TO EAT, lol. And I tend to eat really well, so what I do force myself to eat, probably helps out (right now, stuff like Fage, eggs, yogurt, fruit, and tomatoes and bell peppers, chili peppers, etc.) Lots of protein, fat, and fruits and veggies. I might have a couple of tortillas or something, basically I try to stay away from grains and sugars. Which is getting hard because I REALLLY want a bowl of cereal sometimes lol. Luckily right now we're out of milk lol.
My new favorite lotion right now is The Anti-Aging w/ pro-retinol and collegen by Vaseline (big purple bottle), it has the normal collegen lotion smell (pretty nice), leaves you smooth-feeling and not greasy. LOVE IT. I like using collegen lotion (when I can't find or don't bother looking for my Dead Sea lotion) for my stretch marks, and to prevent getting wrinkles.
Te only downside is that the Retinol makes you more susceptible to the sun and sunburns, so you HAVE to make sure you use a sunscreen or clothes that cover your body well, or you WILL burn.
(But if you don't stay out forever, it does help for tanning lol. I'm a great caramel color right now and this time last week I was a ghost.) =]
diet blog,
HCG diet,
hcg cycling,
Vaseline Anti-aging
Here I Go Again....*sigh* Fat Fast and Reload
So I fell off the wagon.
I had Hubby's niece over this week and basically for me it's been nothing but a Smoke-And-Eat Fest.
I'm planning on doing a Fat Fast this weekend as a re-load, and then Following protocol as closely as I can as long as I lose.
My eating extras wasn't hurting my losses, but after having the NIL (the little sister of the one I got the wall pants from), here for a week, I've pretty much gained what I lost last week.
So I got fed up with that an sent her home. =D
Yeah, I'm sick of being fat and I'm tired of being nice for the hell of it.
I've spent every day this week at the pool for like 4-6 odd hours, so my water retention is probably horrible too.
Not to even add in my sunburn I got yesterday and the day before.
SO about the Fat Fast:
Basically you eat nothing but fatty things.
The only carbs you get are from your fruit and veggies.
So you can have, eggs, cheese, meats (salmon, tuna, steak, chicken, etc...), and things with good fat, like peanut butter, butter, coconut oil, olive oil, nut oils, So basically a ton of P3 foods.
Eating all day, with little time between meals.
So knowing me, I'll probably have a tub of peanut butter and and a steak for dinner lol.
I'll also start taking my Apidexin religiously again.
I love that stuff. Maybe I'll just take a break.....I'll decide tomorrow what I'm going to do. Maybe I'll do the Atkin's "Induction" for a couple of weeks and then get back on the HCG wagon.
Maybe I should just do the Apidexin over summer like I was originally going to and do the HCG in August like I was originally going to.
So I'll decide tomorrow but I am doing the "fat fast" i.e.: Atkin's Induction, this weekend.....If I can get around to buying fatty stuff. Lol. I'm not really a big oil-fat person. But maybe that's WHY I'm fat.
I had Hubby's niece over this week and basically for me it's been nothing but a Smoke-And-Eat Fest.
I'm planning on doing a Fat Fast this weekend as a re-load, and then Following protocol as closely as I can as long as I lose.
My eating extras wasn't hurting my losses, but after having the NIL (the little sister of the one I got the wall pants from), here for a week, I've pretty much gained what I lost last week.
So I got fed up with that an sent her home. =D
Yeah, I'm sick of being fat and I'm tired of being nice for the hell of it.
I've spent every day this week at the pool for like 4-6 odd hours, so my water retention is probably horrible too.
Not to even add in my sunburn I got yesterday and the day before.
SO about the Fat Fast:
Basically you eat nothing but fatty things.
The only carbs you get are from your fruit and veggies.
So you can have, eggs, cheese, meats (salmon, tuna, steak, chicken, etc...), and things with good fat, like peanut butter, butter, coconut oil, olive oil, nut oils, So basically a ton of P3 foods.
Eating all day, with little time between meals.
So knowing me, I'll probably have a tub of peanut butter and and a steak for dinner lol.
I'll also start taking my Apidexin religiously again.
I love that stuff. Maybe I'll just take a break.....I'll decide tomorrow what I'm going to do. Maybe I'll do the Atkin's "Induction" for a couple of weeks and then get back on the HCG wagon.
Maybe I should just do the Apidexin over summer like I was originally going to and do the HCG in August like I was originally going to.
So I'll decide tomorrow but I am doing the "fat fast" i.e.: Atkin's Induction, this weekend.....If I can get around to buying fatty stuff. Lol. I'm not really a big oil-fat person. But maybe that's WHY I'm fat.
VLCD7 HHCG - Apidexin Day 16
Up a pound today, but I think it's because I need to go pooooooop.
So I'm going to do the salt water flush tonight, and hopefully in the morning I'll be down to like 239? Come on I can dream!! =P

Yesterday I have the steak and green beans and the like two bites of spaghetti, and 3 cups of SF gello. THEN, I had half a cheese pizza again =P
I'm to the point of not worrying about cheating with fatty things, because it seems like I lose when I eat and gain if I barely eat but eat one wrong thing - I.e.: "cheat" - like my gaining pretzels!!!
I'm a fucking freak, man!
Anyways I got my protein shakes and I feel much better now that I know exactly what I'm going to eat, instead of eating actual "meals". I love my protein shakes lol. It's like drinking milkshakes constantly for food.

So I'm going to do the salt water flush tonight, and hopefully in the morning I'll be down to like 239? Come on I can dream!! =P
Yesterday I have the steak and green beans and the like two bites of spaghetti, and 3 cups of SF gello. THEN, I had half a cheese pizza again =P
I'm to the point of not worrying about cheating with fatty things, because it seems like I lose when I eat and gain if I barely eat but eat one wrong thing - I.e.: "cheat" - like my gaining pretzels!!!
I'm a fucking freak, man!
Anyways I got my protein shakes and I feel much better now that I know exactly what I'm going to eat, instead of eating actual "meals". I love my protein shakes lol. It's like drinking milkshakes constantly for food.
VLCD6 HHCG - Apidexin Day 15
Down 2.5lbs this morning!!!!
3 Apidexin again today.
Yesterday I literally forgot to eat. LOL.
So here's what I ate yesterday:
Greek yogurt (fat free)
2 bites of parmesan cheese
1 (100 cal) Windmill almond cookie dipped in whole milk
Lost 2.5lbs on VLCD6
VLCD4 I ate:
Half a 18" cheese pizza
Parmesan cheese
Greek yogurt (FF)
3 (5 cal) gello cups
Half a hotdog
Lost 1.5lbs on VLCD5
Apparently I do better when I have a bit of fat. Which I knew from Round 2, but I didn't think it was that bad that if I follow protocol POP (perfectly on protocol), I don't lose anything! It's rediculous, really.
Today so far I've had:
Green Beans
2 (5 cal) gello cups
and like 2oz of spaghetti
So there are my past three days in a nutshell.
My current weight is 243.
Lets hope tomorrow I'm reallly reallllllly reallllllllllly close to being in the 230s =D
It's really making me happy to see all this baby weight going to HELL where it should be. And then I'm just going to keep going down down down!!!!
I have a new HCG friend, Sascha, that totally understands my idea of a goal, and the weight I want to get to, she's totally hip and awesome too.
In fact I love all the people In my FB HCG Group - Loving HCG Help. They don't judge the amount of weight you want to lose, or the way you follow protocol. NO FLIPPEN HCG NAZIS!!!! I love it.
And my "HCG Mama" Shelli, is the most awesome and kind lady in the whole world, I love her to death, I really do, she's an amazing women, AND SHE'S ALMOST LOST 100LBS! In....I think about 10-11 months! She's a true inspiration.
I'm going to see if I can round up some new Thinspiration pictures so we'll see what I come up with.....

3 Apidexin again today.
Yesterday I literally forgot to eat. LOL.
So here's what I ate yesterday:
Greek yogurt (fat free)
2 bites of parmesan cheese
1 (100 cal) Windmill almond cookie dipped in whole milk
Lost 2.5lbs on VLCD6
VLCD4 I ate:
Half a 18" cheese pizza
Parmesan cheese
Greek yogurt (FF)
3 (5 cal) gello cups
Half a hotdog
Lost 1.5lbs on VLCD5
Apparently I do better when I have a bit of fat. Which I knew from Round 2, but I didn't think it was that bad that if I follow protocol POP (perfectly on protocol), I don't lose anything! It's rediculous, really.
Today so far I've had:
Green Beans
2 (5 cal) gello cups
and like 2oz of spaghetti
So there are my past three days in a nutshell.
My current weight is 243.
Lets hope tomorrow I'm reallly reallllllly reallllllllllly close to being in the 230s =D
It's really making me happy to see all this baby weight going to HELL where it should be. And then I'm just going to keep going down down down!!!!
I have a new HCG friend, Sascha, that totally understands my idea of a goal, and the weight I want to get to, she's totally hip and awesome too.
In fact I love all the people In my FB HCG Group - Loving HCG Help. They don't judge the amount of weight you want to lose, or the way you follow protocol. NO FLIPPEN HCG NAZIS!!!! I love it.
And my "HCG Mama" Shelli, is the most awesome and kind lady in the whole world, I love her to death, I really do, she's an amazing women, AND SHE'S ALMOST LOST 100LBS! In....I think about 10-11 months! She's a true inspiration.
I'm going to see if I can round up some new Thinspiration pictures so we'll see what I come up with.....
extreme weight loss,
HCG diet,
VLCD5 HHCG - Apidexin Day 14
WOW down 1lb this morning.
The "wow" is because for dinner I spontaneously decided to miniload!
I ate half a 18" cheese pizza, 150g of steak, 100g chicken, 1 tomato, 2 wedges of watermelon, 3 SF gello cups, and half a hotdog. I think my total calories was just over 2000cals.
I'll probably gain tomorrow, so it's whatever, I had a really bad day yesterday, I was so stressed and depressed, I didn't eat out of that stress, but I decided I wanted pizza and I had my pizza. So there it is.
Ok, I'm watching Dr. Oz (not by choice of course)it's a show about cancer, and apparently every fucking thing in the world is going to kill us.
1st to avoid cancer: STOP BEING FAT, yes of course that's their number one. I think I've seen more skinny people actually have cancer than fat people.
2nd: Don't cook your meat! It's better to get salmonella and mad cow disease than to have cancer you know.
3rd: Stay away from hotdogs and bacon; eat lost of green food and soybeans!
That's just fucking terrific. FUCK OFF AND DIE DOCTOR OZ, according to your show you've probably been dead for the past 20 years and didn't know it yet!
Oh great now he's onto varicose veins.
I wonder how fast those will kill me!
I'm going to be POP (perfectly on protocol) all weekend if Hubby doesn't fricken drive me completely insane....or the BOOB, who seems to be worse than usual lately.
I'm expecting to be on this round until 4th of July, and then do my P3 and do a cycle of injections (10-14 days with a vial of HCG 2000iu), starting around July 25 or so, if I feel comfortable waiting I'll probably wait until August 1st. But you know me, I get addicted to losing weight and feel like a fat cow when I'm not trying to get thinner. So thats where it stands. I probably will never stop for long until I get to at least a size 10.
My ultimate goal as of now is to fit into those size 5 skinny jean my NIL (niece in law) gave me the other day for my wall. (Lots of people have like a visible goal pair of clothes or something hanging on their wall or closet door or whatever, you know? I don't have money to buy a pair of pants I'll probably never wear, so I got a pair from my hubby's niece lol.

The "wow" is because for dinner I spontaneously decided to miniload!
I ate half a 18" cheese pizza, 150g of steak, 100g chicken, 1 tomato, 2 wedges of watermelon, 3 SF gello cups, and half a hotdog. I think my total calories was just over 2000cals.
I'll probably gain tomorrow, so it's whatever, I had a really bad day yesterday, I was so stressed and depressed, I didn't eat out of that stress, but I decided I wanted pizza and I had my pizza. So there it is.
Ok, I'm watching Dr. Oz (not by choice of course)it's a show about cancer, and apparently every fucking thing in the world is going to kill us.
1st to avoid cancer: STOP BEING FAT, yes of course that's their number one. I think I've seen more skinny people actually have cancer than fat people.
2nd: Don't cook your meat! It's better to get salmonella and mad cow disease than to have cancer you know.
3rd: Stay away from hotdogs and bacon; eat lost of green food and soybeans!
That's just fucking terrific. FUCK OFF AND DIE DOCTOR OZ, according to your show you've probably been dead for the past 20 years and didn't know it yet!
Oh great now he's onto varicose veins.
I wonder how fast those will kill me!
I'm going to be POP (perfectly on protocol) all weekend if Hubby doesn't fricken drive me completely insane....or the BOOB, who seems to be worse than usual lately.
I'm expecting to be on this round until 4th of July, and then do my P3 and do a cycle of injections (10-14 days with a vial of HCG 2000iu), starting around July 25 or so, if I feel comfortable waiting I'll probably wait until August 1st. But you know me, I get addicted to losing weight and feel like a fat cow when I'm not trying to get thinner. So thats where it stands. I probably will never stop for long until I get to at least a size 10.
My ultimate goal as of now is to fit into those size 5 skinny jean my NIL (niece in law) gave me the other day for my wall. (Lots of people have like a visible goal pair of clothes or something hanging on their wall or closet door or whatever, you know? I don't have money to buy a pair of pants I'll probably never wear, so I got a pair from my hubby's niece lol.
VLCD4 HHCG - Apidexin Day 13
I'm up .5lb this morning, but that's because of Tuesday's cheat I think.
So no more cheating!
I took 3 Apidexin this morning....basically just for the hell of it, and I have to clean the house today...at some point, so I needed the extra energy. So far I don't feel any different than normal and I took it 3 hours ago...So as usual, no side-effects with Apidexin.
I stayed pretty full all day yesterday until the time when I should have went to bed. I was expecting a loss because when I weighed at night I was 246, but alas, 246 this morning aswell.
Not worried about it, should have a good loss tomorrow.
I made my lunch already, chicken and a tomato, but I just did my pellets, so I haven't started eating yet. I'll eat when I'm done writing this post, that should be plenty of time since the pellets are already dissolved (I put them in before I started cooking).
My son is driving me insane as usual and I don't have any cigarettes. So I guess I'll have to get dressed and take a walk down to the gas station before I lock him in his room for the rest of the day lol. At least he doesn't seem too interested in the TV today, but I know if I turn it off he'll freak out, even though he's not watching it. He's trying to kill a banana by sitting on it.
Ok now he's just being a fucking weirdo.
He desn't even want to eat the damn thing, just to flippen destroy it.
BOYS!!!!!! Are freaking nuts!!!!
So if I feel like it I'll update tonight.
I went swimming last night too, so maybe that led to the gain as well.
Oh well, no biggie.
So no more cheating!
I took 3 Apidexin this morning....basically just for the hell of it, and I have to clean the house today...at some point, so I needed the extra energy. So far I don't feel any different than normal and I took it 3 hours ago...So as usual, no side-effects with Apidexin.
I stayed pretty full all day yesterday until the time when I should have went to bed. I was expecting a loss because when I weighed at night I was 246, but alas, 246 this morning aswell.
Not worried about it, should have a good loss tomorrow.
I made my lunch already, chicken and a tomato, but I just did my pellets, so I haven't started eating yet. I'll eat when I'm done writing this post, that should be plenty of time since the pellets are already dissolved (I put them in before I started cooking).
My son is driving me insane as usual and I don't have any cigarettes. So I guess I'll have to get dressed and take a walk down to the gas station before I lock him in his room for the rest of the day lol. At least he doesn't seem too interested in the TV today, but I know if I turn it off he'll freak out, even though he's not watching it. He's trying to kill a banana by sitting on it.
Ok now he's just being a fucking weirdo.
He desn't even want to eat the damn thing, just to flippen destroy it.
BOYS!!!!!! Are freaking nuts!!!!
So if I feel like it I'll update tonight.
I went swimming last night too, so maybe that led to the gain as well.
Oh well, no biggie.
UPDATE! VLCD3 - Apidexin Day 12
Alright, right now I'm starting to get like food cravings. But I will not give in!!!!! I already overloaded on watermelon though, lol.
Ok but seriously, my calorie count is at 585, so I went over 500, but I only cheated with veggies and fruit lol. I had extra watermelon as my second fruit of the day, and I had a couple of chips and like 3tbs of my salsa.
I'm feeling good about today, much better than yesterday, so hopefully I'll have a better loss in the morning.
I'm about to start a couponing spreadsheet and a weight loss spread sheet, so that will give me something to do when I'm not chasing my son all over the place, driving me crazy.
Ok but seriously, my calorie count is at 585, so I went over 500, but I only cheated with veggies and fruit lol. I had extra watermelon as my second fruit of the day, and I had a couple of chips and like 3tbs of my salsa.
I'm feeling good about today, much better than yesterday, so hopefully I'll have a better loss in the morning.
I'm about to start a couponing spreadsheet and a weight loss spread sheet, so that will give me something to do when I'm not chasing my son all over the place, driving me crazy.
diet update,
HCG diet,
hhcg and hunger,
VLCD3, HHCG - Apidexin Day 12
Down 2lbs this morning, so I'm back down to 245.5lbs! Tomorrow I'm hoping for 243.5 lol. It would be nice to have a steady drop of 2lbs/day for this first week, because I know next week it will be like .5 all the time.
I am back on the Apidexin because I did way too many small cheats yesterday, and just because I had a loss doesn't mean I couldn't have had a bigger loss if I wouldn't have ate those pretzels.
So I took my Apidexin because the hunger suppression is freaking amazing with it. I wouldn't even had remembered to eat my orange this morning if it weren't for my son having been hungry and pulling me into the kitchen.
So we'll see how my loss is tomorrow with the Apidexin, I figure since it's herbal and the capsule is vegetable it won't have a bad effect.
So that's where I stand so far today. I'm planning on having a hamburger patty and tomato for lunch and chicken (probably with broccoli) tonight.
If I have something to say later, I'll post an update.

I am back on the Apidexin because I did way too many small cheats yesterday, and just because I had a loss doesn't mean I couldn't have had a bigger loss if I wouldn't have ate those pretzels.
So I took my Apidexin because the hunger suppression is freaking amazing with it. I wouldn't even had remembered to eat my orange this morning if it weren't for my son having been hungry and pulling me into the kitchen.
So we'll see how my loss is tomorrow with the Apidexin, I figure since it's herbal and the capsule is vegetable it won't have a bad effect.
So that's where I stand so far today. I'm planning on having a hamburger patty and tomato for lunch and chicken (probably with broccoli) tonight.
If I have something to say later, I'll post an update.
VLCD2 hhcg update
Ok. So today I didn't do as well as yesterday, which is making me remember why I started doing the protein shakes in the first place, when I eat food I never stop eating! It's really depressing. I had chicken soup with broccoli for lunch, that was fine, an orange, some cantaloupe, and like 1 strawberry dipped in chocolate delight (coconut oil mixture with cocoa powder and stevia). I wasn't hungry today until I got mad at Omar for being a fucking douche and shit....argh... so I guess I'm an emotionl eater? That's not normal for me....maybe it was because I was almost out of cigarettes.
So anyways after the fruits, for dinner I ended up having a tiny piece of chicken, a couple of bites (literally) of broccoli, and later on I cheated with pretzels, a SF fudgecicle (wrong brand so they were fricken nasty - do not by the "cool classics" fudgecicles! stick to popcicle brand!), and a SF jello cup. I had a few too many pretzels...Oh I did have some salsa with white corn chips earlier, but only like 5 and I'm counting the salsa as my second veggie.
So that's where I stand. About 685 calories.
I'll probably have a loss if this HHCG stuff works.
I would if I was doing Rx injections, so we'll see, if not, maybe my friedn Jo has a bottle of 2000iu I can nab from her....
I hope I'll feel better tomorrow and won't be prone to eat so much.
Or stick to cheating with my 5 calorie gello, lol.
I wish I had celery since it basically doesn't have any calories, but I don't, and my last cucumber went bad, so I don't even have that!
So anyways after the fruits, for dinner I ended up having a tiny piece of chicken, a couple of bites (literally) of broccoli, and later on I cheated with pretzels, a SF fudgecicle (wrong brand so they were fricken nasty - do not by the "cool classics" fudgecicles! stick to popcicle brand!), and a SF jello cup. I had a few too many pretzels...Oh I did have some salsa with white corn chips earlier, but only like 5 and I'm counting the salsa as my second veggie.
So that's where I stand. About 685 calories.
I'll probably have a loss if this HHCG stuff works.
I would if I was doing Rx injections, so we'll see, if not, maybe my friedn Jo has a bottle of 2000iu I can nab from her....
I hope I'll feel better tomorrow and won't be prone to eat so much.
Or stick to cheating with my 5 calorie gello, lol.
I wish I had celery since it basically doesn't have any calories, but I don't, and my last cucumber went bad, so I don't even have that!
VLCD2 - hhcg pellets
Alright, I'm going to try skipping the Apidexin today, #1 to check my hunger, #2 to see if it makes me lose less without it while on the HHCG.
I've taken my first dose and I'm strarting to get hungry, so Idk if I'll be able to make it without the Apidexin. =/
We shall see!
I'm out of protein shake powder, so all I have to eat is fruit veggies and frozen chicken and chicken broth for soup. So soup it what I am having. It also reminds me that my microwave is broken and I need to get it fixed while I still have the warrantee, which means I need to go print out my reciept from Best Buy.
I think my blender's starting to go aswell. At this rate I am not going to keep buying stuff from best buy because all the shit I get there breaks! I barely got the microwave in January, and the blender last month. And they're both Oster brand which is a REALLY GOOD BRAND. So WTH!?!?!?!
I've taken my first dose and I'm strarting to get hungry, so Idk if I'll be able to make it without the Apidexin. =/
We shall see!
I'm out of protein shake powder, so all I have to eat is fruit veggies and frozen chicken and chicken broth for soup. So soup it what I am having. It also reminds me that my microwave is broken and I need to get it fixed while I still have the warrantee, which means I need to go print out my reciept from Best Buy.
I think my blender's starting to go aswell. At this rate I am not going to keep buying stuff from best buy because all the shit I get there breaks! I barely got the microwave in January, and the blender last month. And they're both Oster brand which is a REALLY GOOD BRAND. So WTH!?!?!?!
diet blog,
dr simoens,
HCG diet,
hhcg pellets,
weight loss
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