The "wow" is because for dinner I spontaneously decided to miniload!
I ate half a 18" cheese pizza, 150g of steak, 100g chicken, 1 tomato, 2 wedges of watermelon, 3 SF gello cups, and half a hotdog. I think my total calories was just over 2000cals.
I'll probably gain tomorrow, so it's whatever, I had a really bad day yesterday, I was so stressed and depressed, I didn't eat out of that stress, but I decided I wanted pizza and I had my pizza. So there it is.
Ok, I'm watching Dr. Oz (not by choice of course)it's a show about cancer, and apparently every fucking thing in the world is going to kill us.
1st to avoid cancer: STOP BEING FAT, yes of course that's their number one. I think I've seen more skinny people actually have cancer than fat people.
2nd: Don't cook your meat! It's better to get salmonella and mad cow disease than to have cancer you know.
3rd: Stay away from hotdogs and bacon; eat lost of green food and soybeans!
That's just fucking terrific. FUCK OFF AND DIE DOCTOR OZ, according to your show you've probably been dead for the past 20 years and didn't know it yet!
Oh great now he's onto varicose veins.
I wonder how fast those will kill me!
I'm going to be POP (perfectly on protocol) all weekend if Hubby doesn't fricken drive me completely insane....or the BOOB, who seems to be worse than usual lately.
I'm expecting to be on this round until 4th of July, and then do my P3 and do a cycle of injections (10-14 days with a vial of HCG 2000iu), starting around July 25 or so, if I feel comfortable waiting I'll probably wait until August 1st. But you know me, I get addicted to losing weight and feel like a fat cow when I'm not trying to get thinner. So thats where it stands. I probably will never stop for long until I get to at least a size 10.
My ultimate goal as of now is to fit into those size 5 skinny jean my NIL (niece in law) gave me the other day for my wall. (Lots of people have like a visible goal pair of clothes or something hanging on their wall or closet door or whatever, you know? I don't have money to buy a pair of pants I'll probably never wear, so I got a pair from my hubby's niece lol.
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