The Aftermath
Doing and egg day today. Mostly because I REALLLLLY want deviled eggs, lol.
But eating a dozen egggs seems a bit MUCH, we'll find out if I make it through the day, LOL.
Will probably update later, not much to talk about right now =]
Steak Day P3
So I spent all morning studying History (from 8.30a-1.30p), then went to History class (@3p), went to class, got home around 4.30p, studied my Chinese from 4.30p-6.15p, printed out some Chinese worksheets for writing characters, went to class (7-10p), Stopped on the way home and got a carne asada burrito with only pico de gallo as my steak day.
Took my History quiz, got 95% because of a stupid trick question, that if my teacher REALLY went by the book, I would have gotten 100% on!!!! Bahhhh
So I'm hoping for a loss tomorrow, especially after my stupid 2# gain this morning, that was ridiculous.
Proud moment of the day?
My friend in Chinese class opened up a Kashi granola bar, I looked into my purse at Stacy's brownie from when we went out last night, and I closed my purse and put it on the floor and forgot all about the brownie until I got home and finished my burrito.
Still have NOT touched it!!! =]
The Force has been strong with me today, 555. ("ha ha ha" - Thai "lol")
Hope I Didn't Blow Today!
Well today I had about 8oz 2% Fage yogurt with half a peach, some vanilla and saccharin.
A turkey sandwich.
Hot wings, salad, like 4 french fries, and 1/8 of a brownie.
So I'm hoping I either stay the same tomorrow or lose.
Gaining would SUCK.
Anyways, went out and am about to blog about the food on my food blog, http://rillyshrinkingfoodie.blogspot.com/
Tonight, I'm going to bed lol. I've studied most of the day and I've still got more studying to do before class tomorrow afternoon, and I have a quiz to take tomorrow.
Cleaner is Better
And then I have to lose 10lbs more to be at the weight I want to start next round at!!!! (225lbs) So I'll even have the SLIGHTEST chance of making it to 200lbs by the end of the Halloween challenge - Which I was thinking of extending to make it into Onederland, but I really like the thought of being in P4 for Halloween so I can eat some of the candy =]
We shall see! I don't know what I'm doing yet, I could just make Halloween night a planned interruption I suppose. Any ideas?
For those of you who don't know about it and are interested:
Skinnier By Halloween Challenge
Loading starts Sept 10th-11th
VLCD starts Sept12th
There are no rules about protocols, cheating, who's doing what right, and so on.
The only rules are as follows:
Do NOT be a POP COP or talk shit about other peoples' protocol or MOP (my own protocol).
You MUST post a scale picture everyday showing your daily weight.
This is an open challenge with one reward, you WILL be lighter by Halloween, and that much is guaranteed as long as you don't cheat YOURSELF.
This is a challenge for a short round (23 days), followed by 3 weeks of P3 and you will enter Halloween on P4D7 and ready to eat some sweets!
You may extend this round AFTER STARTING WITH THE GROUP.
You cannot get on the roster using this challenge as a way to extend your round.
I will keep track of everyone's weights using a Google spreadsheet and it will be available daily.
To join: add my Facebook Account,(<--click there) and then send a message with subject line as "Halloween Challenge" or "Alt HCG"
So there's the information.
Official time to sign up is from September 5th-9th, But you can put your name on the list at anytime after you are added into our secret society group. If you're afraid of people on your facebook finding out about your weight loss using HCG, have no worries about our group, it is completely invisible to anyone that is NOT in the group. We like it that way and if you compromise our privacy you will be booted and banned.
In other news, waiting as always for my BB cream to get here, hubby takes the mail key to work everyday so I have to wait and hope everyday that when he checks the mail later on, he's holding a package. LOL. Yeah I'm a little bad at being patient, I've been asking him for the past week if we got any packages. >.<
Still waiting for TOM to leave. That bastard.
I'm not great at stabilizing until I stop being a dumbbutt, and eat slightly normally. Which I haven't been doing. But I'm not one of those people who's going to use college as an excuse. If anything college makes it easier to NOT EAT. BUT, it also makes it easier to stop for pizza on the way home because I'm too lazy to cook dinner between or after classes.
I have a Hungry Howie's addiction.... Especially when their large pizzas are only $5, and they're soooooo yummy!
I'll do a food blog about them someday. Apparently most people have never heard of Hungry Howie's....Of course I never had either until my friend's birthday out in Surprise....and when I went over there to visit and we got hungry so I wanted to order the pizza she had on her birthday....Anywho! LOVE IT. Papa John's USED to be my favorite commercial pizza joint, but NOT ANYMORE.
I still have to get my History book, tomorrow preferably, since I have a test on due on Tuesday.
I already got this week's assignment for English done (due next Saturday), and Tuesday's DUE assignment for History done, as of today, I just, like I said, have to get my textbook for History class (they were out and on order when I went to get it last week),....Oh and I am going to get a printer, since I have to print out my assignment for History class this week. And there's the fact that it would jsut be nice to HAVE a printer...COUPONS!!!!! I am totally destined for CRAZYCOUPONLADY status whenever I get a printer and get time to go to all the sites and print out coupons....and go shopping. Usually going to the store is like CLOCKWORK for me, but lately, I'm like, "blegh whatever."
So I've gained back 4#, I'm sitting at 239.5. WHICH I AM NOT PROUD OF. But I'm not sure if eating is the problem or if I've gained purely because of TOM. Who is visiting, even though I wish I could kick his ass out of here!!!
Took my Apidexin today, which I have been too lazy to do since starting P3 (thanks again TOM), but maybe I'll keep getting up early enough to take it and I'll shoot this weight back down.
Hopefully my attempt at a juicing fast next week will also help get rid of this gained weight, and a ton of water weight... Because I'm going to try sticking to that for a week and see how that goes as a pre-P2 cleanse sort of thing.
My skin is realllllly getting bad breakouts for some reason, on my temples... I don't normally get acne anymore, one or two here and there, yeah, but not like an actual BREAKOUT. It's annoying.
Can't wait for my BB cream to get here, it should arrive this coming week sometime. I'M EXCITED!
OH. Also, just found some Frederic Fekkai conditioner for $5 at Marshall's yesterday, can't wait to try it out and give you all a review. (I guess I should probably start a beauty-review blog?) Let me know what you think aboout the idea. Got some new stuff I'd love to tell about sometime.
Nothing else to talk about tonight, I don't think...
Oh, I think the only hard thing about college so far....AND about HCG, is being a mom.
Shit is not made for moms.
If you ever think about having kids, that's awesome, but wait until you're old, like 30. I feel like I've lost my entire life, you know, the "college kid goes out and has fun" sort of life. It's going to be really sad when I start doing all that kind of stuff when I'm like 30 and my son's old enough to watch himself while I go out.
I would say wait until your 30s or don't have kids at all.
It kind of makes me feel sorry for my own mother, lol. She finally got her first child all grown up and it's her turn to have fun, and then out I come. Not that it stopped her from having her own life, but not until I was 5 and would stay home by myself (my insistence, with my neighbor-lady checking in, or me playing at her house all day). I was HORRIBLE to babysitters. Always independent, if my mom wasn't there, then no-one should be. Lol. I suspect my son will be the same way, but he'll also be brought up to be super independent and naturally intelligent like I was.
Alrighty, going to smoke a fag and go to bed, nighty night!
down 1.5
Worried about tomorrow since I had in-person classes today and I was running around before them, so I didn't eat anything except a couple of peaches, and then around 5-5:30 I had pizza since I didn't have time to cook anything before I had to leave for my next class.
Trying to find a babysitter is my newest task.
Apparently the government doesn't care about childcare anymore.
What I Ate 8/22/11
Hamburger patty, nectarine, one quarter-sized cookie, diet rite soda...
and then later after going to the college for 3-4 hours and getting dehydrated and shit and depressed and ahhhh TODAY SUCKED.
We stopped at McDonald's on the way home.
I had a grilled chicken club sandwich, minus one side of the bun....not the one with mayo - i ate that one lol.
1 small mango-pineapple smoothie
3 chicken nuggets - maybe 4
Don't know and don't care about the calories today!!!
Weighed in about an hour ago (1am) and was only .5 above this morning so I'm expecting a loss in the morning so far. We'll see what it says before I go to bed before I decide what it's going to say in the morning.
I have my first in-person classes tomorrow, AND I HAVE NO TEXTBOOKS!
Lucky Duck I Am!
So today and the rest of ....well as long as I still have HCG left...I'll have to look and see about how much I do have....eek. Anyways, until I run out of HCG, I NEED TO LOSE AT LEAST 5#!!! Which I totally know is do-able. And I don't have to worry about any crazy food exscursions because it's not the weekend and we don't have money to go out lol.
I was wanting to go out this weekend and do a new food blog once I'm into P3, but we're not going to have the funds to do it this week. Maybe I should blog about whatever food I MAKE. Lol. Yeah, I'm SURE people would be interested in THAT *rolls eyes*.
As the end of the month is rolling around once again, I need to ask you all a favor! Can you PLEEEEEASE click the google ads on my page?
I know it's SUPER ANNOYING of me to ask, but there's not point in anyone clicking anything if there's not enough to make a difference. You guys are amazing, and if I get enough add's I'll be able to try out new things and do reviews on them. If you have anything you want to beeee reviewed before YOU try it, let me know! I would love to be your Guinea-pig!
I did end up being in ONE picture from yesterday and I have to say, I was surprised when MY LEGS LOOKED ALMOST A NORMAL SIZE!!! Instead of looking like a couple of huge tree-trunks. It got me excited. Especially after some ignorant drunk jerk asshole called me a roly-poly yesterday! And him and his muscles were bigger than my entire body. Fucking steroid freak. He probably falls over and does somersaults trying to find his dick!
Sorry, felt like ranting there. One more reason I'm a white person who hates white people....ok I hate all people. But white preppy/bmx/steroid freaks are amongst the worst people I've ever come across, and in THIS city, there's ALOT of bad people to cross paths with.
Some people should be put in jail just for having kids if they're not going to raise them right.
Ok apparently I wasn't done ranting yet lol.
I hate how ignorant people are of others.
All this work I've done and now I'm back in elementary school getting called names by asshole white jocks.
It's really depressing and makes me want to eat. And I'M NOT an emotional eater usually. I'm an "I want my mommy and daddy" sort of emotional person.
It makes me feel like all I'm doing is for nothing if people can't even see it.
Some recipes mix veggies, so if you don't want to risk that, just use more of one of the veggies and count it as your vegetable for that meal.
Stuffed Cabbage
100g sliced/chopped sirloin (can also use ground beef)
7 Large leafs of cabbage (I just use a head of green cabbage)
1/4 small onion - diced
salt, pepper, garlic powder, parsley flakes or fresh parsley - to taste
For this I spray the pan with Pam and cook the meat and onions together with seasonings in a pan. Steam 4 leaves of cabbage in a small amount of water in a small saucepan, until it's soft enough to roll.
take three of the leaves of cabbed and slice thinly, and then mince to make it sort of "rice" looking, and when meat is almost cooked, throw the cabbage into the mixture.
Spoon mix and cabbage rice onto cabbage leaves, roll them up and hold together with a toothpick.
Cabbage and Tomato Soup
1 Med. Tomato - sliced or diced
1 C Cabbage - roughly chopped
1C chicken broth
1-2 C water (depending on how strong your chicken broth is)
2tbs diced onion - to taste (use about 1/8-1/4 small onion)
2tbs bell pepper - to taste (i use about 1/4-1/2 medium size)
salt, pepper, garlic powder, red chili powder, parsely - to taste
Bring to a boil and let cook on med-low heat for 15-30mins depending on how cooked you like your veggies.
Sometimes I'll chop and add in my 100g of beef or chicken and simmer it with the broth and water while i'm chopping the veggies. YUM.
Beef (or Chicken) Fajitas
Lettuce leaves
100g your choice of chicken or beef - sliced into strips and halved
1/4 small onion, sliced into strips
1/4 med bell pepper, sliced into strips
salt, pepper, garlic powder, chili powder, cilantro, 1 tbs lemon juice - to taste
Saute meat, onions, peppers and seasonings until done, wrap in lettuce leaves taco style - Fast and yummy!
100g ground beef
1 egg white
1 grissini or melba - crushed
1 small (Roma sized) tomato -diced
1/2 can tomato sauce
1tbs mustard
1/8 small onion -diced
1/8 bell pepper - diced
salt, pepper, parsley, oregano, garlic powder
Personal size loaf pan - I got mine at Ikea for like $1, could also use a small casserole dish or oven-safe bowl.
Preheat oven to 350-400 degrees F.
Mix together diced veggies, beef, egg white, crumbs, tomato, seasonings, and mustard into loaf. Place into loaf pan. Mix tomato sauce with seasonings to taste and pour on top of the loaf as desired. Stick it in the oven and cook for about 30 mins (@ 400) to an hour (@ 350), or until done (use a meat thermometer - done at 165 degrees, or when a toothpick comes out clean of meat.)
Vanilla-Mocha Coffee "Protein Frapp"
2c Ice
2 packets instant coffee (I have Taster's Choice individual pack because it was on sale)
1 Scoop vanilla protein powder (I used body fortress 100% whey - $15 at walmart for 2lbs)
2-3c water
2tsp vanilla
2 packets sweetener & 2tsp unsweetened cocoa powder
(OR 6 drops of chocolate stevia and additional unflavored stevia to taste)
Mix in a blender until desired consistency (add water slowly and as much as YOU want, I like mine a little thick). YUMMY BREAKFAST with about 3g fat. Makes a full blender (5 cups)
You can use this in place of a meal on to go or use as added protein.
As I continue getting bored with food choices I'll try other things and post the recipes.
All of these recipes are my creations because I'm not really one for following recipes, I make stuff up as I go along.
Same As Yesterday
Tomorrow I plan on gianing though. I was out on the lakes all day and ate alot of stuff I shouldn't have. ALSO, I don't think I've barely drank ANY water at all.
I'll attempt to make up for it tomorrow, hoping to make tomorrow a sort of Fage Day, but with 2% Fage instead of Fage Total (full fat). We'll see how that goes! Yikes.
I have alot to do tomorrow, I have to go into the college and talk to the financial people, and go check into stuff elsewhere.
I might go to the college but I don't feel like sitting around the other place AT ALL. But I do need to find a daycare for Stacy for when I have my first class on Tuesdays and Thursdays.... English Comp I think...
Anyways, I ate egg whites, beef, hamburger, nuts, fruit, and popcorn today. Didn't count calories and don't care about it right now, I'll deal with it tomorrow, I only have to lose 6lbs (from yesterday and today) to make it to my goal of where I want to be at the end of this vial of hCG.
Sooooo. Wish me luck, I think I can lose it in no time if I work a correction or two, and eat as clean as possible.
Hellooo COLLEGE! Down 1# Today
So I was down .5 yesterday, and today I'm down another 1lb! Yay 236!
I weighed before I went to MIL's for dinner and I was at 234.5!
Probably be more in the morning.
I was running around all day getting enrolled and getting my classes, so I didn't eat until like 2.30p and had a nectarine.
So we came to MIL's, and I had 4 tortillas and about 8oz beef. So we'll see, I'm seeing it as sort of a "steak and mug cake day" lol. So we shall hope it doesn't gain or stall me!
I'm guessing I'm around 600cals...probably more like 800.
But I finally got into college and enrolled, and classes start Monday and Tuesday. I'm really excited, but freaked out at the same time because I haven't gone to school in three years.
Haven't decided on a major, but because all the ones I'm thinking of are for the same type of degree I still take basically the same classes and all the same required classes.
I can't decide between History, Chinese, or English.
Ok I'm going to end this, tome to go home, I hate being near my MIL lol.
What I Ate 8/19/11 & WOO NEW COMPUTER!!
Now I get to play games, and start college online...all kinds of exciting and fun stuff!
Here's what I ate:
Denny's Senior Grilled Chicken Breast w/ Salad
Unsweetened Iced Tea
Total: 161cals
100g Non-fat Cottage Cheese
1 White Nectarine
Total: 145cals
Vitamin Water ZERO
most of a slice of Cheese Pizza (yeah I know I wasn't going to eat anything, it was my son's pizza but he didn't eat like half of it and i was tired of holding it for him.
Total: 290 cals
Total for the day: 596 cals
Maybe now that I have a computer I can start "Vlogging" =D ....ok probably not until I figure out how to not look like a loser doing it. =/
Have a great night =] Big losses everyone!!!
P3 ICE CREAM Recipes
All Recipes Make About 1 Quart.
Almond Praline Ice Cream
2 3/4 C. half and half
1/4 C. Splenda
Pinch of salt
3 eggs
3/4 C Almond Praline powder (see recipe below)
2 tsp vanilla extract
1/8 tsp almond extract
Combine half and half, splenda, and salt in a small saucepan - heat until bubbles start to form around the edge and mixture is warm. Whisk eggs in a small bowl. Carefully add a few spoonfulls of hot cream mixture to eggs to gradually warm them.
Pour egg mixture back into saucepan and continue to cook over low heat until custard thickens slightly and reaches 106 degrees on a candy thermometer. Remove from heat, pour through a strainer into a small bowl set in another blowl of ice water. Stir in erator until ready to freeze.
Pour into the ice cream maker and follow maker's instructions for freezing.
Tangerine Buttermilk Ice Cream
1 C Tangerine juice (about 1 1/4lb before juicing)
1 C Buttermilk
1 1/2 C half and half
1/3 C Splenda
1 tbs lemon juice
2 tbs Triple Sec (orange flavoured liqueur
dash of salt
Combine in a blender and blend until smooth. Cover and chill in the refrigerator until ready to freeze. Blend for a few seconds before pouring into the ice cream maker, follow maker's instructions.
All Recipes Are From The Book:
From Your Ice Cream Maker by, Coleen and Mark Simmons
Tailored for P3 by ME!
Slow and steady wins the race...
Down .5# this morning.
Also, went to Denny's this morning and had a grilled chicken breast and salad. About 140 cals I think.
I don't know whether to do extra protein or 500 cals today...
I guess we'll see tonight.
Sorry I haven't been updating with what I eat, but I forget to while I'm on my phone only.
Should be going to look at new computers later on today. If not I'll order one for ship-to-store if they don't have any cheap and powerful ones in stock. I need a computer with good graphics and tons of memory.
I'm excited lol. It only puts me one step closer to getting my associates through online classes at a local community college. Then I'll only have to go to University for 2 years I think.
I'll get that sorted out later on.
Have a good one!
So I have invented my own correction day and it worked AWESOMELY!
Will write later, just thought I'd post my results!
Reply to BB
Hi! Sorry it wouldn't let me reply in a comment:
No it wasn't my first VLCD or my frst round.
I don't remember the post you commented on, 8/14 I think? But I had been at my dad's for a week and was basically cheating all over. Not even for hunger, just because when I'm there I eat whatever ends up in front of my face, BAD ANCIENT HABIT.
So I'm trying to get back on track but I bonked up and ate crap yesterday...
Sooo I spent today attempting to fix it.
If this doesn't answer your comment, ask again please lol, I'm really bushed tonight, long day.
And yes I know if I eat clean the urges will subside. :-) I just have to keep telling myself to stick to the plan! I have sooooo far to go still!
Hoping for 200 by Halloween.
No computer....
So hubby broke the comp charger so he's going to get me the new computer I need for school and later we'll buy the plug for the old comp and give it back to my dad.
Until then I'm on my phone.
Gained 2# back from yesterday's horrible escapade.
Did an egg white and protein shake day, right now I'm sitting on 499cals, 9g fat, 21 g carbs, and ----- dun dun dun, 79g PROTEIN! Awesome right!?
I feel great.
Even though I had a emotional breakdown earlier because I spilled my dinner (egg whites) on the floor-through in liquid form. I BAWLED.
Tom should be here soon.
Feeling awesome now, had dinner (bought carton egg whites) and now I'm eating for hubby to get home and I'm ready for bed lol.
I feel skinnier if that makes any difference?
We'll see in the morning.
I really hope I lose something and stay in the freaking 230s!
If you read this far, it won't hurt to click my ads and check out some great sites!
What I Ate 8/16/11
1 slice American cheese
2 slices onion
hot dog
SF chocolate pudding
totino's party pizza
50% fat for the day - does that mean if I eat 230 more cals of just fat, I can classify today as a fat fast day? =P
Today's total: 777cals
YEAH YEAH I'm not proud of it but that's what I ate, and I'll probably lose, but don't you try it because most people wouldn't lose with half the stuff I eat on P2.
About To See New Numbers!!!
Back to where I was when I went to my dad's and ate WHATEVER FELL IN FRONT OF MY FACE.
So , if I lose just 1lb in the morning, I'LL BE SEEING NEW (not previously lost) WEIGHT!!!
I had this entire blog written out and I pushed "publish", and POOOOOOOF!
(Did I mention that Google flipping ruined YouTube as well? YouTube used to be good before Google bought it and effed it all up.)
Ok, back to re-writing my blog.
So I don't know what I'm going to for meals or eating today. I might have a hamburger for lunch and then have 3 hard boiled eggs for dinner again.
I was thinking about doing 4-1 scoop protein shakes instead of meals for the rest of the week to kick this weight. I could do it every other day, meals, shakes, meals, shakes...
I need to really get rid of 10# this last week I have left of HCG, so I'll be in the 220s for next round (Halloween challenge).
I might do a mini load on Friday or Saturday, to kick start the last week's losses....Unless this is my last week, then I'm screwed. It's all going to go by however much HCG I have left. So I need to kick it into gear RIGHT NOW. To get where I need to be. Losing weight I've already lost is soooooo retarded!!!!! I hate myself for letting it happen. 3 TIMES THESE PAST MONTHS (July-August).
I've only lost 13lbs since July 5th!!!! Ridiculous!
I need to get my ass in gear and get to work on losing this fat if I really want to make it to goal by next spring. I should be able to make it to the 130s by Christmas!!!! BUT I'VE GOT TO GET MY ASS IN CHECK!!!
My first attempt at a youtube video!!
What I Ate 8/15/11
Instead of making meatloaf, I made hubby a hamburger and I had 3 hard boiled eggs.
Here's what I ate today:
4oz Lean, thin, low/no fat sirloin steak w/ 1 tbs of mayo
1 SF Hunt's Snack Pack Gello cup
1 Diet Rite Pure Zero Cola
3 Large Hard Boiled Eggs (with yolks)
Grand total: 490 calories!!!!
So I'm done for the day and I have to say, I'm really NOT hungry, just the normal mental cravings...like cookies... LOL
Can't really think of anything else to talk about so I'm going to end this earlier than I normally would. If I think about something later on, I'll update.
Going all POP today and see if I can't kick it into overdrive. Hamburgers for lunch and dinner today....I might just have steak for lunch and make meatloaf for family dinner, but I don't really feel like cooking so much. I might just use some of the hamburger and make hubby Thai beef and rice.
I can't think of anything else to say, I'm soo tired. I went to sleep around 4am, and had to wake up at 10 or 10.30 this morning.
I decided to take my Apidexin this morning, mostly just to wake up, but it could boost my losses tomorrow. I doubt it, but it could happen lol. If anything the HCG will burn fat and the Apidexin will build muscle.
I'll update later on, tonight.
UPDATE 8/14/11
So I had a protein shake for lunch.
And for dinner I had a Gyro, which I will be doing a food blog on after I'm done writing this. http://www.rillyshrinkingfoodie.blogspot.com/
So I'm roughly at 779 cals for the day.
I might have a couple of bite of my son's pretzel later on though.
Strawberry Chicken Salad Day!
If my losses aren't so good from here on out I'm going to have to do a mini-load day and see if that will kick start losses, taking my HCG all week and eating whatever could have effed up my losses. But I won't know until I do a few POP/MOP days, I can't really count the FAGE & SUSHI DAY, because dairy tends to make me gain and I'm taking the 1lb loss as a fluke lol.
So I'm having my Chicken Strawberry Salads (2) today and we'll see how my losses are in the morning.
I hope I get enough water in, because I haven't been, so it's possible I would have lost more weight this morning if I had gotten even a quarter of the water I'm supposed to drink (120oz/day).
So we'll see how it goes.
I'm so sick of losing old weight, I've really got to stop sabotaging myself, and just stick to protocol and get rid of this weight.
I think one of my saboteur problems right now is skin. And looking gross after I lose weight.
I don't want to have to get a tummy-tuck to look even decent. My friend Catherine said I won't have to worry about it because I wasn't FAT - Round, but then I'm worried about needing a body lift due to extra skin on my legs! All I want is to be instantly bikini-ready next summer!!! OH and to fit with a friend in a Samlor:
What I Ate - 8/13/11
1 Large Peach
Roughly 1145cals
7 pieces of sushi and a bowl of miso soup.
Roughly 373cals
(we try to go out or order in once a week as a family date night)
Rough Estimate of today's caloric intake: 1514cals; 55% Fat, 22% Carbs, and 23% Protein - That's about a fat fast day right? I'll just call it my FAGE SUSHI DAY! - If it drops me any weight =P
Not really worried about it, I have those salads I was going to eat today, but had to get rid of the Fage.
So tomorrow is Chicken and Strawberry Salad Day! (Sounds totally gross right? - We'll find out!)
It's almost 4am so I'm going to bed lol.
Dun-Dun-Dunnnnnn =]
Which I Think is AWESOME!!!! For all the stuff I ate while at my dad's.
Hubby saved me some "Strawberry Chicken Salad" I'm going to try today, it looks really creepy, but I'll try it, and yes its a salad with strawberries and a little thingy of chicken salad - with MAYO, I don't think the little bit of fat will hurt though, it's REAALLLLY tiny. So we'll find out, and I might add in some protein by having a strawberry shake for my drink with my salad (make the strawberries in the salad less noticeable - I HOPE - I'm not big on fruit being in my salad).
WOOPS: UPDATE - OK, I TOTALLY FORGOT! - I'm doing a Fage-day today, because I have about 6 of those little full fat Fage cups (bought on sale $1/ea =] ) that I put in one big container and I need to eat it before it goes bad.
So this will be an interesting day, I HATE FAGE - IT'S GROSS - LIKE EATING CREAM CHEESE.
OH YEAH - If you read my blog, don't forget to FOLLOW IT! =] Thanks.
Hello World!!!! I'm home! - with reply to Elizabeth Sanchez =]
I don't put too much stock in caloric intake really, I think "science" has really gotten out of hand.
LIKE REALLY? - How do they know how many "calories" are in EVERY FOOD?
I just do it to make sure I'm close to getting in all my calories for the most part. Sometimes I'm over and sometimes I'm under -shrug- I give up lol. It's a rough estimate based on websites and what people add into the database =] hope that helps!!!
Sorry it was so long winded - Thanks for commenting!! =]]
Onto other things xD
I'm home!!!! And I've been a little piggy ALL WEEK - ON HCG!!!!
BUT! I'm only up...6lbs as of weighing tonight, we'll see in the morning, I've probably gained less, and I know I haven't been getting enough water in AT ALLLLLL.
I just ordered Skin79 The Oriental Gold BB Cream from Amazon last night!!! I am soooo excited to try it and give a review....would like to do a video review or whatever, but alas, no computer. HOPEFULLY I'LL BE ABLE TO GET IT NEXT MONTH!!!! (Computer I mean - the BB cream should be here in a couple of weeks - some say sooner)
Anyways, I'm hoping the BB cream is as awesome as everyone says it is, the only thing I'm worried about is the oiliness of the cream, Eki (http://www.ekiblog.com/) say the Oriental Gold is her favorite, except that it's a little TOO "dewy/oily". So we shall find out!! And I'm afraid maybe it will be too dark, BUT people say it oxidizes to match your natural color (if you're tan-white, it's not for dark people).
I wish I could afford to get some new eye shadows - I really need matte colors!!!
And colored contacts would be cool, but since I don't really go out they would be pointless because I would never show them off!! Maybe after I start at University next year.
SO, onto HCG things.
I an currently using OVIDAC (2000iu vial - 14 days), and INJECTING, at between 150-175IU - depending on how I feel that day, sometimes I get hungry and then skip and then I'm fine so I go down to 150iu and if I'm hungry in the morning after... Well, I play around with it lol.
So I haven't been hungry on the Ovidac, I've just been eating everything in sight at my dad's house!!!
Cake, ice cream/sherbert, steak with fat, noodles, cookies, diet soda....Yeeeeeeah. Seriously though, if it ended up in front of my face, it ended up in my stomach.
So now that I'm home I am feeling comfortable and confident that I will be MOP/POP (My Own Protocol/Perfectly On Protocol) from here on out until my 2000iu runs out at the end of next week!! =]
Excited to get rid of the 230s this coming week =]
Alrighty, so no Internet and I'm visiting my dad, so I'm on my phone.
I just mixed and injected some Ovidac last night, I'm hoping it works well. So far I'm not hungry at all, I actually had to force myself through the BLT I had for lunch, so that's a good sign.
I do have to say that going in it felt fine, but a little while afterwards, the injection site sort of stung for a while, but after injecting b12 last time I used Rx Hcg I don't think any small stinging will ever bother me again haha.
Its really nice not having to worry about whether or not the hhcg is doing anything. Or worrying about my heart failing or something due to starvation. I feel LOADS better physically and I've only been off the hhcg for two days!
So I'm glad to be on.the Rx Hcg as of today, not looking forward to weighing while here at my dad's though, there's carpet only - everywhere - and I'm up 5lbs since I weighed yesterday at home. Sooooo, I won't have a correct readout until I get home sometime during the week. Which stinks, but it might be nice if my weight is down A TON when I get home after feeling like a fatass while here.
MIL gave me some more clothes, mostly XL, and they mostly all fit! Of course they're all lounge/pajama-wear, but my normal pj's are 2-3X! So 1x-xl is worth celebrating. ALSO, when we went to BIL/MIL's my niece-in-laws both commented on how much weight I've lost! And I've only lost like 10# since I saw them last, but I was wearing a tighter shirt. Last time, oldest NIL didn't even say anything, I had to coax it out of her! This time I just walked in and she was like "WOW YOU'VE GOTTEN SKINNIER!"
That feels really good coming from a teenager 1/3 of my size. Especially since she's the one I got my thinspiration jeans from that are hanging on my bedroom wall - size 5.
She's a bit bigger now. Shes going to explode if she keeps eating crap, but you can't tell that to someone who doesn't want to hear it, especially a kid, I know that from experience. She probably gets it enough from her grandmother anyways, even though the granmother is the reason she eats nothing but crap. Bread and sugar, I swear that's all they eat or drink. No wonder all the kids are fattening up. I should talk to BIL about it.
Today I have a job interview with ULTA at 4:30p, hope it goes well, but not really worried about since I just did the application for kicks, not for an actual job, or results, but it would be nice to get out of the house. Even for work. Plus, I love beauty products lol, it should just be like my old job at TradeSecret. I think my friend Paige worked there at one time. (ULTA I mean)
I think the interview's at 4:30p, I'm going to call ahead to make sure it's not 4p.
I still need to find the car keys too lol.
Michelle and I are going to do POP (perfectly on protocol) for the rest of the week and see how that treats us. Hopefully I'll lose awesomely. HOPEFULLY. =]
What I Ate 8/1/11
Protein shake: 140 cals
Fudgsicle: 40 cals
Beef fajitas: 118 cals
Corn tortillas: 100 cals
SF Gello: 5 cals
Total so far: 408 calories
I'm going to do half a cantaloupe tonight before dinner - just to see if it does anything.
Which brings me to a total of: 502 calories!
Makes me feel alot better after .5 and .5 this weekend.
But I still feel like doing some sort of load/mini-steak day or something just to kick the losses up a bit.
An hour later:
Ok, I decided to do a week of more strict POP - 500-800 cals (probably 500 since that's what I'm used to and I'm paranoid about straying from Dr. Simeons).
My friend Michelle is going to do a week of POP, so I thought it would be a good idea to be like a buddy system.
I just realized yesterday I had 2 slices of bacon and a Carbmaster yogurt, corn tortillas and everything and I lost 2# over the .5# that I've been losing.
I wonder what's up with that.
Another hour later:
I am so slacking on my bloggin today, I keep getting sidetracked!!!
So I keep getting poeple telling me to VLOG.
I don't want to VLOG. lol. Vllllogggg. Yeah, no thanks!
I think just to make my friends happy, I will do at least 1 VLOG when I get a new computer with a webcam. As of now, I don't have a cam besides my phone, and I tried vlogging with that and it did not work out well. I think maybe the lighting in my house sucks and MY VOICE IS FUCKING UGLY!! Michelle says it's not, but I hate how I sound recorded on stuff. If I didn't I would have popped out a record by now lol. I love how I sound, but I don't like how I sound played back after being recorded.
Sorry, lots of cussing, I hate my voice lol, I sound like a man I think. Apparently not so, but I think so so there you go =]
My awesome friend MICHELLE!
VLCD4 ad What I Ate 7/31/2011
I weighed at midday and I was down another 1.5#, so I'm hoping that's a good sign for the morning.
I'm thinking of doing a Fage day or Mini-load....fat fast? SOMETHING tomorrow, to jump start my losses again. I'll take a look at P2 correction/cheat ideas right now before I go to bed, I'm having a hard time keeping my eyes open!
Strawberry Protein Shake - 163 cals
Bacon - 70 cals
SF Yogurt - 60 cals
Beef Fajita Filling - 126 cals
2 Corn Tortillas - 105 cals
1 SF Gello Cup - 5 cals
For a total of: 529 calories!