

So as we all know, I'm great at stabilizing, but I FUCKING HATE P3!!!
I'm not great at stabilizing until I stop being a dumbbutt, and eat slightly normally. Which I haven't been doing. But I'm not one of those people who's going to use college as an excuse. If anything college makes it easier to NOT EAT. BUT, it also makes it easier to stop for pizza on the way home because I'm too lazy to cook dinner between or after classes.

I have a Hungry Howie's addiction.... Especially when their large pizzas are only $5, and they're soooooo yummy!
I'll do a food blog about them someday. Apparently most people have never heard of Hungry Howie's....Of course I never had either until my friend's birthday out in Surprise....and when I went over there to visit and we got hungry so I wanted to order the pizza she had on her birthday....Anywho! LOVE IT. Papa John's USED to be my favorite commercial pizza joint, but NOT ANYMORE.

I still have to get my History book, tomorrow preferably, since I have a test on due on Tuesday.
I already got this week's assignment for English done (due next Saturday), and Tuesday's DUE assignment for History done, as of today, I just, like I said, have to get my textbook for History class (they were out and on order when I went to get it last week),....Oh and I am going to get a printer, since I have to print out my assignment for History class this week. And there's the fact that it would jsut be nice to HAVE a printer...COUPONS!!!!! I am totally destined for CRAZYCOUPONLADY status whenever I get a printer and get time to go to all the sites and print out coupons....and go shopping. Usually going to the store is like CLOCKWORK for me, but lately, I'm like, "blegh whatever."

So I've gained back 4#, I'm sitting at 239.5. WHICH I AM NOT PROUD OF. But I'm not sure if eating is the problem or if I've gained purely because of TOM. Who is visiting, even though I wish I could kick his ass out of here!!!

Took my Apidexin today, which I have been too lazy to do since starting P3 (thanks again TOM), but maybe I'll keep getting up early enough to take it and I'll shoot this weight back down.

Hopefully my attempt at a juicing fast next week will also help get rid of this gained weight, and a ton of water weight... Because I'm going to try sticking to that for a week and see how that goes as a pre-P2 cleanse sort of thing.

My skin is realllllly getting bad breakouts for some reason, on my temples... I don't normally get acne anymore, one or two here and there, yeah, but not like an actual BREAKOUT. It's annoying.
Can't wait for my BB cream to get here, it should arrive this coming week sometime. I'M EXCITED!
OH. Also, just found some Frederic Fekkai conditioner for $5 at Marshall's yesterday, can't wait to try it out and give you all a review. (I guess I should probably start a beauty-review blog?) Let me know what you think aboout the idea. Got some new stuff I'd love to tell about sometime.

Nothing else to talk about tonight, I don't think...
Oh, I think the only hard thing about college so far....AND about HCG, is being a mom.
Shit is not made for moms.
If you ever think about having kids, that's awesome, but wait until you're old, like 30. I feel like I've lost my entire life, you know, the "college kid goes out and has fun" sort of life. It's going to be really sad when I start doing all that kind of stuff when I'm like 30 and my son's old enough to watch himself while I go out.
I would say wait until your 30s or don't have kids at all.
It kind of makes me feel sorry for my own mother, lol. She finally got her first child all grown up and it's her turn to have fun, and then out I come. Not that it stopped her from having her own life, but not until I was 5 and would stay home by myself (my insistence, with my neighbor-lady checking in, or me playing at her house all day). I was HORRIBLE to babysitters. Always independent, if my mom wasn't there, then no-one should be. Lol. I suspect my son will be the same way, but he'll also be brought up to be super independent and naturally intelligent like I was.

Alrighty, going to smoke a fag and go to bed, nighty night!

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