
P3 ICE CREAM Recipes

Yes, I'm already excited about going into P3 next week!!!

All Recipes Make About 1 Quart.

Almond Praline Ice Cream
2 3/4 C. half and half
1/4 C. Splenda
Pinch of salt
3 eggs
3/4 C Almond Praline powder (see recipe below)
2 tsp vanilla extract
1/8 tsp almond extract

Combine half and half, splenda, and salt in a small saucepan - heat until bubbles start to form around the edge and mixture is warm. Whisk eggs in a small bowl. Carefully add a few spoonfulls of hot cream mixture to eggs to gradually warm them.
Pour egg mixture back into saucepan and continue to cook over low heat until custard thickens slightly and reaches 106 degrees on a candy thermometer. Remove from heat, pour through a strainer into a small bowl set in another blowl of ice water. Stir in erator until ready to freeze.
Pour into the ice cream maker and follow maker's instructions for freezing.

                      Almond Praline
Make ahead of time and keep in an airtight container. Sprinkle it in top of ice cream or sundaes, or use it as an ingredient for ice cream. substitute chopped pecans for almonds to make Pecan Praline.

1 tsp. Coconut Oil
1/2 C Splenda
2 tbs water
1/2 blanched slivered almonds or pecans, lightly toasted

Lightly oil a cookie sheet or a large piece of foil with coconut oil. Combine Splenda and water in a small heavy saucepan. Cook over medium-low heat without stirring until Splenda melts.
Pour in nuts, tipping saucepan to cover nuts with caramel mixture as much as possible. Cook for another minute or two and immediately pour out onto oiled cookie sheet or foil and allow to cool.
As soon as praline is cool, break into pieces and blend into powder.
Store in an airtight container immediately after blending.

Chocolate Gelato
1 tsp. plain unflavored gelatin
1/4 C cold water
1 1/2 C half and half
1 1/2 C heavy cream
2 tsp Instant espresso coffee powder
1/2 C Splenda
3oz. unsweetened chocolate, melted
1 tsp vanilla extract
pinch of salt

Soften gelatin in cold water. Heat half and half and 1/2 cream in a heavy saucepan over low heat until bubbles form around the edge. DO NOT BOIL. When cream is hot, sprinkle in coffee and add splenda and gelatin. Stir to dissolve gelatin and remove from heat. Whisk melted chocolate into hot cream, stir in vanilla and salt. Pour mixture through a strainer into a medium-sized bowl. Place saucepan in a pan of ice water to cool mixture.
Cover and chill in the refrigerator until ready to freee. Whip remaining heavy cream until thick but not stiff, and fold into chilled mixture just before freezing. Pour mixture into ice cream maker and follow maker's instructions for freezing.

Philidelphia-Style Vanilla Ice Cream
1 C heavy cream
2 C half and half
1 tbs vanilla extract  OR seeds from a vanilla bean
2/3 C Splenda
dash of salt

Combine ingredients in a blender and blend until splenda dissolves. Chill in the refrgerator until ready to freeze. Pour into ice cream maker and follow maker's instructions.

Tangerine Buttermilk Ice Cream
1 C Tangerine juice (about 1 1/4lb before juicing)
1 C Buttermilk
1 1/2 C half and half
1/3 C Splenda
1 tbs lemon juice
2 tbs Triple Sec (orange flavoured liqueur
dash of salt

Combine in a blender and blend until smooth. Cover and chill in the refrigerator until ready to freeze. Blend for a few seconds before pouring into the ice cream maker, follow maker's instructions.

All Recipes Are From The Book:
From Your Ice Cream Maker by, Coleen and Mark Simmons
Tailored for P3 by ME!

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