
Lucky Duck I Am!

Only gained .5# from yesterday's crazy eating!!!
So today and the rest of ....well as long as I still have HCG left...I'll have to look and see about how much I do have....eek. Anyways, until I run out of HCG, I NEED TO LOSE AT LEAST 5#!!! Which I totally know is do-able. And I don't have to worry about any crazy food exscursions because it's not the weekend and we don't have money to go out lol.
I was wanting to go out this weekend and do a new food blog once I'm into P3, but we're not going to have the funds to do it this week. Maybe I should blog about whatever food I MAKE. Lol. Yeah, I'm SURE people would be interested in THAT *rolls eyes*.

As the end of the month is rolling around once again, I need to ask you all a favor! Can you PLEEEEEASE click the google ads on my page? 
I know it's SUPER ANNOYING of me to ask, but there's not point in anyone clicking anything if there's not enough to make a difference. You guys are amazing, and if I get enough add's I'll be able to try out new things and do reviews on them. If you have anything you want to beeee reviewed before YOU try it, let me know! I would love to be your Guinea-pig!

I did end up being in ONE picture from yesterday and I have to say, I was surprised when MY LEGS LOOKED ALMOST A NORMAL SIZE!!! Instead of looking like a couple of huge tree-trunks. It got me excited. Especially after some ignorant drunk jerk asshole called me a roly-poly yesterday! And him and his muscles were bigger than my entire body. Fucking steroid freak. He probably falls over and does somersaults trying to find his dick!

Sorry, felt like ranting there. One more reason I'm a white person who hates white people....ok I hate all people. But white preppy/bmx/steroid freaks are amongst the worst people I've ever come across, and in THIS city, there's ALOT of bad people to cross paths with.
Some people should be put in jail just for having kids if they're not going to raise them right.
Ok apparently I wasn't done ranting yet lol.
I hate how ignorant people are of others.

All this work I've done and now I'm back in elementary school getting called names by asshole white jocks.
It's really depressing and makes me want to eat. And I'M NOT an emotional eater usually. I'm an "I want my mommy and daddy" sort of emotional person.

It makes me feel like all I'm doing is for nothing if people can't even see it.

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