
Hello World!!!! I'm home! - with reply to Elizabeth Sanchez =]

@ Elizabeth - I just enter my foods in my food diaries at www.fatsecret.com and www.myfitnesspal.com (my name is Queenrilly on both), anyways you enter a food and it tells you the amount of calories in it.

I don't put too much stock in caloric intake really, I think "science" has really gotten out of hand.
LIKE REALLY? - How do they know how many "calories" are in EVERY FOOD?
I just do it to make sure I'm close to getting in all my calories for the most part. Sometimes I'm over and sometimes I'm under -shrug- I give up lol. It's a rough estimate based on websites and what people add into the database =] hope that helps!!!
Sorry it was so long winded - Thanks for commenting!! =]]

Onto other things xD
I'm home!!!! And I've been a little piggy ALL WEEK - ON HCG!!!!
BUT! I'm only up...6lbs as of weighing tonight, we'll see in the morning, I've probably gained less, and I know I haven't been getting enough water in AT ALLLLLL.

I just ordered Skin79 The Oriental Gold BB Cream from Amazon last night!!! I am soooo excited to try it and give a review....would like to do a video review or whatever, but alas, no computer. HOPEFULLY I'LL BE ABLE TO GET IT NEXT MONTH!!!! (Computer I mean - the BB cream should be here in a couple of weeks - some say sooner)
Anyways, I'm hoping the BB cream is as awesome as everyone says it is, the only thing I'm worried about is the oiliness of the cream, Eki (http://www.ekiblog.com/) say the Oriental Gold is her favorite, except that it's a little TOO "dewy/oily". So we shall find out!! And I'm afraid maybe it will be too dark, BUT people say it oxidizes to match your natural color (if you're tan-white, it's not for dark people).
I wish I could afford to get some new eye shadows - I really need matte colors!!!
And colored contacts would be cool, but since I don't really go out they would be pointless because I would never show them off!! Maybe after I start at University next year.

SO, onto HCG things.
I an currently using OVIDAC (2000iu vial - 14 days), and INJECTING, at between 150-175IU - depending on how I feel that day, sometimes I get hungry and then skip and then I'm fine so I go down to 150iu and if I'm hungry in the morning after... Well, I play around with it lol.
So I haven't been hungry on the Ovidac, I've just been eating everything in sight at my dad's house!!!
Cake, ice cream/sherbert, steak with fat, noodles, cookies, diet soda....Yeeeeeeah. Seriously though, if it ended up in front of my face, it ended up in my stomach.
So now that I'm home I am feeling comfortable and confident that I will be MOP/POP (My Own Protocol/Perfectly On Protocol) from here on out until my 2000iu runs out at the end of next week!! =]
Excited to get rid of the 230s this coming week =]

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