

I haven't been keeping track of the vlc days actually, I've been pretty much overeating (dietwise), well not really "overeating" persay, but eating off protocol and off plan, crackers, cheese, a little pasta.
Like I said, I lost 2.5 from last Monday's food choices, and after that I fell off course and stalled and yesterday gained .5lb.
But yesterday I ate pretty much the same as Monday, and this morning I'm down 1.5lb (1 if you don't count yesterday's gain).
I am 21lbs from 225 and approximately at the weight I was when I went in for my first Dr's appt when I was pregnant. So the weight I was at about 3 months pregnant.
There's a nice hurdle to overcome I think. And it only took 2 years to get off. Lol 10lbs from diet and exercise that I gained back, and off from on and inbetween hCG.
I am one pound from my next mini-goal of 245lbs!
Mini-goals are nice because you're not freaking out about how fast you're getting to your ultimate goal.

I've decided to try Apidexin over the summer months (June/July) and in August I plan on doing more rounds of hCG, until I make it to goal, hopefully next year sometime. I'm hoping next summer 2012 to be comfortable in a two-piece swimsuit, God-willing my stretch marks aren't horrible and I don't have a lot of extra skin.
Also, next year I'm hoping to reinstate our yearly family vacation to Laughlin, NV for 4th of July.
Wish me lots of luck!

Apidexin is a fat burner that's supposed to help you burn fat while building lean muscles. It has a very high review rate, with only a few people not having results. Keep in mind that those people rarely kept on it for more than 3 days to a week. Anyone with half a brain knows that you have to wait three days to a week just for the substance to circulate in your system and allow your body to get used to it.
On average it has about the same rate of weight loss as hCG, the only difference is you're allowed to eat food with the pills, but with hCG you at least know you're losing the right kind of fat.
Did I mention Apidexin has a money back guarantee for one open bottle and any amount of unopened bottles? If I don't like it and it doesn't work I just send it back!

So that's where I stand today, I have a lot of ideas and I'm kind of proud to finally be serious about finally getting read of this overpadded body.
I'm just glad I'm not "ROUND" FAT I'm just "thick all over" FAT.

I will try to find some thinspiration, because I feel like if I don't look at thinspiration then I fall off track a lot easier. It's easy to lose sight of your goals sometimes.

She's so bad-ass and beautiful..

And her Showgirls co-star Elizabeth Berkley
(I love that movie)

And some randoms...

My Bestie Reina when she was skinny:

She's the one who told me her friend lost tons with hCG.

I love this girls legs, I want to be able to wear bright ass tights! lol

Hello future legs =P

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