

-2lbs this morning. Less than I wanted but as to be expected because I ate a few too many bites of my son's hotdogs yesterday, also, I'm going to stick to 2 protein shakes because I don't think 3 works for me.
I've gotten my sleep back to "normal", which still isn't actually normal because I've been going to bed between 7-9pm and waking at 3-4am. WAY TOO EARLY! Somehow I've got to train myself to sleep-in now. The longer I'm awake the more I want to eat and even if one shake lasts me an hour or two, that's not enough to last for the whole day.

I've been dreaming about my weight-loss again, I can't believe its possible for me to get to 210 by July.
I know 210 is still an extremely high weight, but you have to remember, I haven't weighed 209-210 since 8th grade (12 years old), that's 10 years! And to think I can backtrack all that weight in a few months.
It's really a miracle.
Plus, I'll only have 96lbs more to lose. =D

My weight calculator thingy says I could poccibly be at goal by next May!
Imagine. Over 130lbs in less than a year!

Of course the biggest motivator is looking at clothes.
I just imagine all the pretty clothes and shoes I'll get to wear, WITHOUT WORRYING ABOUT WHETHER OR NOT SOMETHING'S GOING TO FIT!

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