

I'm down 2lbs today!
I had 2 pieces of bacon (100cal), an orange (47), strawberries (13), and 1/2 each of three protein shakes (210), for a grand total of 370cals.
Thanks to HCG I was actually getting more like 2370.

I've decided to cycle since the last time I wrote.
Cycling means you switch back and forth between P2 and P3 without P4 until you're done losing weight.
Its to help keep your head in the game and be able to handle the limit of food choice for however long you do the diet. (You can do say 2-3 weeks of hcg w/diet and then take a break from both [p3] for 4 days-3 weeks)
Which makes it easier to stick to the diet and overall, to finish with the weightloss.

Today I felt sick when I took my vitamins and supplements so I ate an orange (47), it got worse, so I ate a piece of bologna (110) and I'm feeling great, the fat content helps.
So, so far today I'm at 157cals.

My friend Cat and I are cycling together (though she has a lot less to lose) and its really helping to have such a great buddy to compete/compare/and confide in/with.
I'm super excited about the diet now (like I was the first time I did it) and I've started a journal/notebook with notes and stuff (a lot of it I shouldn't talk about since its pretty pro-skinny/ana), I have inspirational quotes and tips on staying full so I don't cheat anymore, I want to lose as much as possible and that means....dun dun dun....NO MORE CHEATING APRIL!

The pro-skinny stuff really helps because basically it's the same sort of diet, but I have a bigger advantage thanks to the HCG, so instead of the amount of calories I'm eating, my body is using 2000 from my body fat.
But all the tips on avoiding food that's not allowed is very helpful and will be even more awesome when I start P2 again in a week or two.
On Wednesday I get to eat again. Well at least everything except sugar and starch, you know, carbs, which I don't usually eat anyways.

I'm glad I found this diet because my normal eating is around 1200-1500 calories/day and according to experts and everything that should be enough to lose weight. That's barely my maintainance amount of calories apparently.
My metabolism must be really effed up.
Thankfully this diet should reset it all so I can eat normally and lose weight like a normal human.

Ok I've definitely blabbed on long enough for today so I'll try to remember to write sooner than later.
=) have a great day and get skinny!

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