So today I took a little less of a dose.
And injecting hurt more than yesterday, I think I did it more at a 90 degree angle this time though...I'll have to experiement with that. Still, it didn't hurt enough to bother me or say it was any sort of pain. More of a pinch. It could be that I didn't let the alcohol from the wipe dry enough too.
Anyways I took a smaller dose to see if it would make me more hungry for my last loading day.
Nope. Still not hungry!
Had to force myself to eat all day.
So far the only thing I can eat a good amount of is Strawberries, which I need to buy more of because I just ran out. Problem is I got them at a great price and I'm almost completely sure they're going to be back to $4/lb. I got them for $1.77! I was amazed honestly.
Tomorrow I start the VCLD or the "insane 500 calorie diet" as some people have called it.
Freaking Twitter people need to stop tweeting and start reading! This is honestly the most healthy "diet" I've ever heard of. And I'm about to find out that it tastes a hell of a lot better too! Homemade food always tastes better than diet food. No matter how healthy it is.
I don't think I'll have any problem only eating 500kcal for the day. My normal amount is around 1100-1200cals a day anyways. And the hCG really takes away your appetite. Well technically its not taking your appetite, it's just eating body fat instead of stuff you shove in your face. Which I am all for!
I'm so excited to start seeing the pounds drop!
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